Sometimes clubs come to seriously regret their decisions and Fiorentina may be feeling that way about their choice to reject Brentford’s bid for Nico Gonzalez.

That’s if Gazzetta dello Sport’s latest information is anything to go by, as it seems Brentford’s big bid won’t be repeated by anyone ese.

The newspaper explains that Gonzalez currently finds himself on the list of potential options this summer as they want to add a winger to their squad.

He’s currently the third name on the list but is very much an option they’re looking at as he fits the bill and could be available for the right price.

He is currently valued at around €30-35m plus bonuses, a figure Juventus would likely try to negotiate down as much as they possible can.

That number is €5m short of the €40m that Brentford offered last season, and which was rejected out of hand by Fiorentina, who were simply uninterested in selling one of their key men.

They would have nearly doubled their money on the player after paying €24.5m for him in July 2021 but decided to turn it down.

Now they won’t get anywhere near that figure, with Juventus only likely to pay €35m if various bonuses are reached in any potential deal.

They certainly won’t be offering what Brentford did, and Fiorentina may now be looking back and wondering whether they made a mistake.