A regular at left-back under Nigel Pearson at Watford, Adam Masina is finally getting the continuous game time he has been looking for since joining the club from Bologna last year.

Prior to the Premier League’s suspension, the defender had started the last eight games, including the now famous 3-0 win over Liverpool at Vicarage Road.

Swapping Italy for the United Kingdom, Masina is now looking at what is happening in his country from afar since the Covid-19 outbreak.

The player sat down via WhatsApp (he didn’t want to wake up his daughter Isabel) to have a chat with Corriere dello Sport regarding the situation.

There was a scare at Watford recently when Pearson confirmed some players were being tested, on which Masina commented: “Unfortunately not to me, only to those with symptoms: luckily all negative, something that made me breathe a sigh of relief”.

Confirming his ‘family is fine’, the Watford defender did, however, admit they were living ‘this moment with such apprehension, so much so that we isolate ourselves at home in order to a void contagion’.

He added: “Of course we are worried, above all for the scarce measures taken so far by the English government, which truly endanger everyone, the young and the old”.

The player was also asked if Boris Johnson’s words affected him.

He replied: “A lot, and now that I’m a father, even more. “Get ready to lose your loved ones”, what kind of statement is that? I don’t understand what games he’s playing.

“It’s an established fact that here in the UK they have underestimated it. Or they don’t care, I don’t know. I hope it won’t be too late when they realise the seriousness of the situation”.

Strong words, probably echoed by a lot of fans and people around the United Kingdom right now.