As of Wednesday morning, Bernard’s preference would be a move to Milan over signing for Chelsea in London.

This is what Gazzetta dello Sport are reporting, stating the Brazilian has asked his agents to prioritise a move to the Serie A side, but the Blues haven’t given up yet.

As we relayed on Tuesday, Bernard’s agents met with Milan’s new technical director, Leonardo, on Monday, and while talks went rather well, no deal was struck.

On Tuesday, the Italian club were busy trying to sort out the arrival of Gonzalo Higuain and Mattia Caldara, meaning they had little time to focus on other deals, which allowed the former Shakhtar star’s agents to decide another chat with Chelsea wouldn’t hurt anyone, so they left for London at around 5pm.

To try and get the upper hand, the Premier League club have called in a certain Kia Joorabchian, who, alongside Giuliano Bertolucci, one of Bernard’s agents, has helped get deals for David Luiz, Alex and Oscar over the line in the past.

The forward is said to have asked Milan for a three year contract, €3m/year (around £50k/week) and €2m to be paid to his agents.

Our guess he’ll ask for that and perhaps a little more from Chelsea, you know, because Premier League money.

Either way, it’s hardly bank breaking stuff.