While we wouldn’t want to completely dash any Everton fans’ dreams given the current affairs at Goodison Park, it seems Sao Paulo president Julio Casares has no issue doing so.

That’s at least if his latest comments, relayed by AS, are anything to go by, as he’s completely dismissed the transfer rumours around James Rodriguez.

The Colombian star remains a firm fan favourite at Everton after his one year stay at the club from September 2020 to 2021.

He only managed 26 appearances for the club, but a tally of six goals and eight assists in those appearances mean he won’t be forgotten in a hurry, particularly as fans never got to see him live thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Reports this week have been linking him with a potential return to Goodison Park, although they were born by a playful interaction with Everton fans on social media rather than anything genuine.

Indeed, it’s been explained there is actually nothing in the suggestion, with a report yesterday detailing the interest is coming more from James Rodriguez than Everton at this moment in time.

And Casares has now backed that up, insisting as far as he is concerned there is nothing going on behind the scenes either.

“I see it on the networks, and I am surprised every day. (They) don’t have a shred of reality, the subject of Everton is a team where he already played, so it’s a feeling he has,” he said.

“James is still a Paulista athlete, he is training, and we will be waiting. He already has the Copa America; he will surely be called up. I think the future of the athlete will have to be good for him and for Sao Paulo.

“There was no consultation from Boca, Everton or Sevilla. There was no conversation about James.”