Chelsea’s move for goalkeeper Mike Penders has led to criticism in Belgium, where their general transfer strategy has come under fire.

Voetbal Nieuws cover the situation today and how it’s given KRC Genk ‘nightmares’, before covering comments from Franky van der Elst, who is less than impressed by the situation and Chelsea in general.

The Blues have continued their somewhat scattergun approach to transfers this summer, signing up players from all over the world and focusing on youngsters for the future.

Penders is one of those players, with several reports making it clear a €20m deal has been agreed and he’ll move to Stamford Bridge after spending this season on loan with Genk.

Voetbal Nieuws say that deal could not be rejected by the Belgian side, as they not only have a financial necessity but are also being offered a fee that will make Penders the most expensive goalkeeper ever to leave Belgium. That’s staggering on its own given he’s yet to establish himself at the club.

The transfer has been questioned largely because Chelsea already have two squads worth of goalkeepers on their books, raising questions why they would need Penders at any point.

Van der Elst certainly feels that way, questioning the whole transfer process and thinking going on at Stamford Bridge.

“That’s shocking. I find that unlikely. Unseen. Maybe even unheard of,” he is quoted as saying.

“What Chelsea is doing now – buying, buying, buying and then hoping that one of the many transfers will pay off – I really don’t think is good for football.”

“They apparently buy their goalkeepers in bulk,” added Johan Boskamp in Het Belang van Limburg.