There’s some worry in the Portuguese media that Rodrigo Gomes’ move to to England, and Wolves specifically, is a sign of a growing problem.

Premier League clubs, especially Wolves, taking players away from Portugal is nothing new, yet there’s a feeling it’s now happening too much and before players have even impressed at their clubs.

O Jogo have an opinion column explaining all of this, and it’s stated Rodrigo Gomes will be leaving SC Braga ‘without imposing himself’ at the club.

The 20-year-old was on loan at Estoril in the recently concluded season, and impressed for them with nine goals and eight assists, but Braga won’t even get the chance to enjoy his progression because they need the money.

In relative terms, and from a Premier League perspective, the €15m Wolves are paying isn’t a lot, but it’s an amount Braga need.

O Jogo believe it’s a shame none of the Portuguese big three – Sporting, Benfica, Porto – paid the same amount as an investment.

This all comes just days after Fabio Silva said he was forced to leave Porto for Wolves before he’d had time to grow as he wanted. That is probably fresh in the mind.