With many Portuguese newspapers today talking about the chase for Wolverhampton Wanderers winger Chiquinho, we get to see some different takes on the situation.

Earlier today, we saw some weird claims coming from A Bola, who suggested Braga could get the player for €3m, or move for a loan.

Well, it had already been reported that Wolves want at least €10m for his departure. And as newspaper Record now writes about the situation, they make it clear that the Molineux side are not letting him go for a ‘bargain price’.

It’s said the English club actually want to see Chiquinho in action during preseason, and only then consider his move.

All Portuguese outlets are highlighting that Sporting and Braga are putting up a fight to sign Chiquinho, who just had a positive loan at Famalicão.

Even though Correio da Manhã says Braga already made an offer, most newspapers say there weren’t even contacts yet. The talks indeed seem to be in the initial stages, with clubs still understanding how much the winger will be worth in the transfer window.

As it stands, they’ll all have to wait for Wolves to decide if they want to keep him or not.