West Ham are set to meet with Fiorentina on Monday to finalise the negotiations for defender Nikola Milenkovic.

That’s according to Tuttomercatoweb, who back up reports that the Hammers are closing in on the centre-back.

Claims in Italy today stated that West Ham had made a €15m bid for the defender, an offer which has convinced Fiorentina to sell as his contract expires next summer.

Those same claims made it clear that a transfer was moving forward at a rapid pace, and TMW back that up.

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They say that after ‘progress’ in talks yesterday, there will be a ‘weekend of waiting’ for the deal to be closed.

Then the two sides will hold ‘new contacts’ on Monday between so that they can find the ‘definition’ of the operation.

Fiorentina have already lined up a replacement in Matija Nastasic and are only waiting on an agreement with West Ham before then giving the green light for Nastasic to undergo medical checks.