Nicklas Bendtner signing for Championship Nottingham Forest is of course huge news in the player’s native Denmark.

No Danish footballer currently playing has been the subject of more column inches then Bendtner, so the move was always going to cause a stir, wherever he ended up.

Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet explain that two years ago Bendtner left the seven star Ritz-Carlton to go to Wolfsburg for his signing press conference, and this time things are very different indeed.

Moving to the Championship, Ekstra Bladet say it’s ‘not very red carpet, champagne and caviar, more triangular sandwiches and bad motorway coffee.’

That’s not Ekstra Bladet being disrespectful to Nottingham Forest or the Championship, but for a player who was once destined for great things, the second tier of English football is a step down.

Nottingham Forest Ekstra Bladet September 8thThe newspaper quote Bendtner as saying: “I have made many mistakes in my life. But that’s history now. I’m looking forward. And I will be judged on how I do on the pitch. And I want to get on with my career.”

Nottingham Forest are given legendary status by the newspaper, who cover the transfer on their front page, and then inside in two double paged spreads. The second of which explains to a Danish audience just what a special club Nottingham Forest are, whether they’re in the Championship or not.

Famous quotes from Brian Clough are dragged up and the European Cup winning team profiled. There’s every chance Nottingham Forest could be finding their Danish fan base grows quickly, if the country’s media are anything to judge upon.