Earlier on Tuesday we covered some criticism Andreas Pereira has been receiving in Valencia, after he was caught speeding on Monday.
Valencia regional sport newspaper Super Deporte claimed the Manchester United star’s actions ‘tarnishes the good moment of the team’ after an impressive 6-3 away win against Real Betis. It was especially disappointing for Pereira because he’d scored in that match after coming on late, and put in an impressive cameo.
Now more details have been released, and it’s been made clear Pereira wasn’t just over the limit. Super Deporte, who are continuing to cover the case, say he was driving at ‘more than 140km p/hour’ in the city, where the maximum speed limit is 50km.
Because the Manchester United owned player was so far over the limit, he’s subject to a special set of sanctions for serious traffic offences, explain Super Deporte. The likely outcome is a fine, which would come from a commuted sentence.
With the maximum fine being €400 per day over a 12 month period, Pereira could be asked for €146k.
Given Pereira had already been receiving criticism for his displays since joining Valencia, he’s not likely to have endeared himself further to the local media. The image of a young big-shot arriving from Manchester United, perhaps with a too high opinion of himself, is only going to be encouraged.
Jose Mourinho, who didn’t want Pereira to go to Valencia in the first place, isn’t likely to be impressed.