Ahead of Euro 2024 there’s been a lot of talk around the Denmark squad, with some in the country’s media questioning whether Christian Eriksen should still be playing such an important role.

The midfielder didn’t have a great season with Manchester United, and therefore those critical of him were given some further ammunition.

Fast forward to Denmark’s opening match of the tournament, and Eriksen scored the opener for his country. Whilst his general performance wasn’t one of his best, the Manchester United player again underlined his importance.

He’s been speaking to Jyllands-Posten, a Danish newspaper, and was asked a variety of things about various aspects of his life.

On what brings him the most meaning, Eriksen said: “When I’m with my children. When I see them learn something new and surprise me. Alfred is five years old and Anna is three years old. When they sit and draw, or when they learn to count. It gives me a happy feeling. After what happened, it is the most important, biggest and warmest feeling to get. I am completely filled with gratitude when I see my children.”

At the other end of the meaningful scale, the footballer was asked about the ‘dumbest thing’ he’s ever purchased, and it was at quite some expense for Eriksen.

“Ha! Once during the Ajax era I had a matte blue Mercedes,” he told Jyllands-Posten. “It was the second car I ever had. A matte blue Mercedes! That’s probably the stupidest thing. I had to choose at the dealer, who showed me a card with colours. All the others in the club had white and black cars. I shouldn’t have done it. I was probably 20-years-old and wanted to stand out a bit. On the small colour chart, the colour looked fantastic. When I got the car, I thought, “What the hell is going on?” My next car was black.”

Eriksen and his Denmark team next play in Euro 2024 against England on Thursday evening, in a match they need to get a result from following their draw against Slovenia.