Brazilian TV show Esporte Espetacular has been broadcasting a series of interviews with players from around the world showing how they’ve been doing during the Coronavirus pandemic.

On Sunday, it’s Everton star Richarlison who’s spoken to them, having a live chat from his home in Crosby.

With the Premier League finally announcing a date to resume, the striker talked about the feeling of finally ending quarantine and the help he’s been sending to his home town in Brazil.

“We started training again two weeks ago. And little by little we are returning to normal. That’s it, it’s difficult, but you have to overcome it. I can’t wait to be able to play. But I think we’ll be back soon,” Richarlison told Esporte Espetacular.

“In this quarantine, I see that many people are in need. I didn’t think twice about sending some purchases to my city, neighbouring cities too. These are things that I will not miss and will help people a lot.”

Asked about his relationship with Everton fans, Richarlison sang the chant they have for him, claiming he’s not looking to leave the club so soon.

“I intend to stay here in the Premier League, I still have many years of contract. But the affection of the fans is wonderful. I love it (laughs). I keep singing at home the music they made too… it’s more or less like this: He’s Brazilian, he only cost 50 million we think he’s brilliant, Richarlisonnnn.”

Not long ago, Richarlison got involved on a controversy with Flamengo fans on Twitter. With manager Jorge Jesus saying his side would be in the top six in England, the player disagreed, and got attacked on social media. But he says it’s all fine.

“Jorge Jesus had said that Flamengo would be top six here in England. I respect it, but I don’t think so. Talking about top six is kind of heavy. But other than that it’s just a joke on the internet, chit chat with fans. Zero problems.

“People started to compare player by player and Flamengo won. Talking about my team, of course I’ll defend my team. But between Flamengo and Everton, I think Everton win.”