Newcastle United may have had a season below expectations, but that was not enough to bring down Bruno Guimarães’ excitement.

The midfielder is very happy with the year he had at the Magpies, and remains enthused by the special relationship he has with the fans.

Guimarães was interviewed by TNT Sports, and when talking about the whole physical preparation he had for this season, he claimed his hard work paid off.

“I think I’m at my best moment in my personal life, in my professional life, it all helps a lot, it’s all connected. I think Newcastle is the club that, with all due respect to Lyon, I feel most at home at in Europe. I’m an idol of the fans, I get a lot of respect from everyone,” Bruno Guimarães told TNT Sports.

“I think it all worked out very well, right? It was a good season, even though the club had a lot of injuries, a lot of suspensions, in short, I think it was a great season for me, one that will stay in my memory, and I hope to have more seasons like that.”

The midfielder was also asked about his future, with the reporter mentioning the recent links with Manchester City, Arsenal and Barcelona. There’s been claims the Magpies may have to sell to meet financial rules, and he touched on that a little.

Guimarães didn’t make any promises about staying at Newcastle for another season, but made it clear he’d be content to continue at the club.

“Look, my future, to be honest, is in God’s hands. I have a contract with Newcastle, I’m very happy, as I said, I know how much they like me, I know everything I’ve been doing for the club. In short, I have a contract, I’m happy. I don’t know what can happen, we know everything about Financial Fair Play, but what I can say is that I feel happy.

“Obviously it’s very nice to have your name linked with big clubs, it shows that I’m doing my job well, but I’m not worried about it at all, as I said, I’m happy at the club. I’m very happy, so let’s see what happens. I’m not in any hurry, I’m happy, and it’s up to God, let’s see what happens.”

Bruno Guimarães is fighting for a starting place in Brazil’s squad for the Copa America. He’s in the team that should play Mexico and United States in a couple of friendlies before the tournament.

Newcastle made a big bet when spending €42m to sign him from Lyon back in January 2022, but that was definitely worth it, and if he does leave then it will be certainly be for more than double that.