West Ham United have made an enquiry for Villarreal striker Alexander Sorloth but haven’t taken matters further than that as yet.

That’s according to AS, who report West Ham and Roma have asked about the striker’s situation and a potential transfer this summer.

The newspaper reports that Sorloth’s situation at Villarreal has not changed, with the only movements the usual enquiries asking for information about him.

Roma and West Ham have both made moves on that front but have been told that only an offer of €38m, the valuation of the termination clause in the striker’s contract, will be considered.

Neither of the two clubs have moved after that, with it explained that West Ham and Roma have made enquiries and the conversations have not gone any further than that up to now.

The insinuation is that they have been put off by the figure they’ve been quoted for the 28-year-old, who cost Villarreal €10m when he signed from RB Leipzig in July 2023.

Whether either side would be willing to pay such a figure isn’t clear, although the fact that they’ve not gone further than to ask about him would suggest they aren’t at this point.

Perhaps that will change later in the summer if neither side get the striker they want and it’s a situation to keep an eye on in the meantime.