With the English media claiming that Everton are interested in Porto striker Luis Diaz and could include James Rodriguez in the deal, that was obviously a pretty good reason for the Portuguese press to get quite excited about it.

However, that’s not really what can be seen in local reports so far. Most outlets have just been replicating what was said in England and don’t even confirm or deny those claims.

The most interesting thing we can find about this rumour in Portugal today are quotes from Porto manager Sérgio Conceição, who spoke to the local media ahead of the league clash against Famalicão.

First asked about the final days of the transfer market, the manager made it clear that there are no big movements going on at his club.

“I’ve been saying that the market is right by the door and I keep saying it. That’s my feeling. The players are training to be called up and that’s how I make the call. On my part, there is total focus and on the part of the players, too,” said Conceição (via O Jogo).

“We realise that the market arouses curiosity, there is always this final stage where there can be movements. But from what I’ve been hearing from the management, for now, things are very calm. You never know what might happen until the last day.”

Then when speaking about international players who’d need to leave the country and perhaps have problems with quarantine when returning, Conceição made it sound like he’s counting on Diaz to be available next month.

“We’ll think about it later, but it’s a problem, no doubt. Luis Díaz and Uribe will play on September 9th and the game with Sporting is on the 11th, I think. But then we’ll talk to the athletes and the federations to understand. Of course the national teams are important, but the clubs are the most important.”

So even though we’re still sure the Portuguese media will chase after the story about Everton’s interest in the striker, it seems there’s not a lot going on at Porto right now.