The end is nigh.

Gianluca Di Marzio reports Douglas Luiz is now going through his medical tests to leave Aston Villa and join Juventus. It had been known the midfielder would have the tests whilst in the US, where he’s currently part of Brazil’s Copa America squad.

The first of those tests has started and once everything has been completed to the satisfaction of the Turin club then the deal can be finalised and announced to fans.

Juventus supporters are very happy with the transfer and believe their club is signing someone who will immediately improve their midfield and help with a title challenge in Serie A.

They also believe it’s a good deal for the Italian side, with Juventus sending Enzo Barrenechea and Samuel Iling-Junior in the other direction, along with a chunk of money.

Di Marzio says the youngsters are being valued at €22m plus bonuses, which could rise to €24-25m. For Iling-Junior, that’s inline with reports earlier this year that he’d be available for around €12m this summer.