The Jackson Tchatchoua to Everton rumour has gone quiet, but it’s thought the Toffees offer remains on the table for the Hellas Verona player.

Saturday’s edition of Corriere di Verona reports Everton were the first club to come forward for the right-back. According to the report, the Premier League club offered €8m as an initial payment plus a potential €2m more in bonuses.

This wasn’t enough for Hellas Verona, who were holding out for €10m plus bonuses. They probably thought Everton would simply bend and pay that given the small difference, but that hasn’t happened and the same offer remains there.

After Everton, Lyon and Rennes made contact for Tchatchoua, giving the Serie A club some hope of a little auction starting and them being able to get the money they wanted.

However, neither of those clubs have yet gone beyond the contact stage.

Corriere di Verona insist their local club will only sell the 22-year-old for an offer they feel is ‘adequate’, but as the window goes on that confidence could take a hit.

As long as no other club makes an offer higher than Everton’s, then their success chances obviously increase. Perhaps a little push at, say, €1m more could do it.