Next season, Newcastle United will finally be able to welcome Sandro Tonali back into their squad. The hope will be the Italian midfielder can hit the ground running, with a determination to make up for lost time.

At the time of Tonali’s ban there were questions asked of AC Milan and whether they knew the drama on the way when selling the player to Newcastle.

Despite that, the Magpies are now repeatedly being linked with Fikayo Tomori. Thursday’s edition of Corriere dello Sport says Newcastle have been in contact with Milan to ask the conditions of signing the defender.

In response they were told a transfer will cost €50m. That’s obviously high, but Milan have the 26-year-old secured until 2027 and there’s often a belief Premier League clubs will just pay up.

Corriere dello Sport say Newcastle paid €70m for Tonali, so signing Tomori would see the club paying €120m to the Rossoneri in just two years.

The response to that €50m request isn’t yet known.