Chelsea are monitoring Benfica youngster João Rego as they continue to monitor players from around the world.

That’s according to Record, who say Chelsea have been following the young midfielder ‘for some time’.

According to their information, there is every possibility the Rego could be the next player to emerge from Benfica’s youth ranks and boost the club’s coffers.

The striker’s good performances in the Eagle’s youth ranks have ‘aroused greed’ and one of the clubs who are keeping an eye on him are Chelsea.

The Blues have been following the attacking midfielder’s performance with interest. They’ve kept track of his evolution so far and carried out constant observations on him. Their scouts have sent back positive reports back to Stamford Bridge.

No proposal has been made to Benfica or anything of that nature yet, but he is a player they are keeping a close eye on.

The 19-year-old is yet to really step up to Benfica’s first team but has been a regular for the B Team. However, he is a part of the first-team squad and is likely to be a regular member of it throughout this season.

There are big expectations on him already at the Portuguese club and he may be one to keep an eye out for in future if Chelsea continue to hoover up young players for their project.