With this being the final day of Gerard Deulofeu’s buyback clause being valid, there’s going to be countless claims on the situation.
Catalan newspaper Sport have a look at what’s been going on with the Everton owned player, and don’t hold back any punches from the Barcelona hierarchy.
Deulofeu has been ‘treated worse than a sack of potatoes from Mercabarna’, a food trading estate in Barcelona.
It’s explained that Deulofeu was only likely to be really keen on a return to Barcelona if the project was sold to him, and his role within the squad made to sound as important as possible.
However, Sport believe Barcelona’s actions have shown Deulofeu they’d only be signing him back from Everton because of the cheap price, and not because they really value the role he could play.
This ‘arrogance’ and not even bothering to speak to Deulofeu directly means Barcelona may not be able to use the Everton clause, because Deulofeu will reject.
That will be known by midnight tonight, but Sport clearly believe the whole thing should have been handled better.
Until it’s resolved, Everton are an interested spectator.