One of the big topics of conversation in Italy on Thursday is the future of Kalidou Koulibaly at Napoli.

The Senegal international is out of contract with the Serie A side in 2023, meaning this summer is the chance for them to make any real money from him, and his agent is hard at work trying to find his client a new landing spot, offering him to various clubs, including Chelsea.

This is according to Area Napoli, according to their own information, who explain Fali Ramadani has targeted the Blues because of the players they will likely be losing in the summer.

Those are Antonio Rüdiger and Andreas Christensen, with both Chelsea centre-backs believed to be set for free transfers elsewhere when their contracts at Stamford Bridge run out.

The website write the agent ‘is offering the Napoli defender to big names in Europe’, before naming the London side directly.

While Chelsea are still in the process of changing owners, there is hope a deal can be struck so that the Blues can have a normal transfer window.

This is what Ramadani will be hoping for as well, which is why he is ‘pushing his client’ for the Stamford Bridge defence, who ‘would have no problem in guaranteeing him a high wage’.

The hope is for a ‘transfer of around €35m’, but it’s still ‘hard to say now what will happen in July’.

Should no move take place, however, it’s said that Koulibaly wouldn’t leave on a free, but would rather ‘try to agree’ with Aurelio De Laurentiis ‘for a renewal that will allow him to end his career’ in Naples.