Earlier this month, we covered claims from Gazzetta dello Sport about Lazio’s interest in Sunderland’s Jobe Bellingham.

Italy’s pink journal had suggested Sunderland could part ways with Bellingham for €13m and that there was interest from Tottenham and Crystal Palace.

Il Messaggero have today reported on the Roman club’s pursuit, stating that the move is currently very complex. They do not state any reasons for that, with the outlet only carrying a line about the Sunderland man.

ittaCeleste have gone a step further, stating that the move is ‘complicated’ even though the Italian side could ‘still try’.

Sunderland’s asking price is €15m and that isn’t far off from what was reported some days ago, yet the fee isn’t the only thing that is causing complications for Lazio.

The player wants to stay at Sunderland for another season as he has the dream of playing in the Premier League after that. It seems as if Bellingham has a career graph charted for himself and that is blocking the transfer.