Wednesday’s edition of Gazzetta dello Sport has a pretty lengthy article on what’s going on with the Douglas Luiz – Weston McKennie – Samuel Iling-Junior – deal, and it’s far from positive.

Their headline says ‘Wes asks too much of Aston Villa’, and that’s blocking everything.

For the first time, they reveal what the US international is asking for. Gazzetta report McKennie wants more than €4m per year… and, crucially, he wants that to be after tax.

Aston Villa feel that’s too high and won’t match it.

In addition, McKennie wants a Juventus severance package.

The real possibility of the whole thing collapsing is put forward, with the Premier League club having other players they could sell before June 30th.

Gazzetta dello Sport say the two clubs have even tried to think of other players who could be included. One palatable to Juventus is Moise Kean, although it’s explained it’s difficult to get Aston Villa interested in him.

The 24-year-old spent a chunk of last season out with a shin injury, and didn’t score a goal. The season before he found the back of the net eight times.

Now it’s a case of waiting for someone to give in, and if that doesn’t happen then the deal is off.

Aston Villa must surely be asking themselves if they really want McKennie. It seemed a questionable interest at the outset, and with him now trying to drag every last euro out of the deal it’s becoming less attractive.