Liverpool star Virgil van Dijk has been urged to learn the lessons from Jordan Henderson’s move to Saudi Arabia and avoid repeating them himself this summer.

Journalists Valentijn Driessen and Jeroen Kapteijns cover the Dutch captain today and urge him to stick with Liverpool for the time being, despite a reported big offer coming his way.

A report in Spain on Thursday evening suggested that Saudi Arabia had turned its attention to Van Dijk as they continue their spending to boost the Saudi Pro League.

Reports in the last few months have indicated that clubs in the country now want to sign established big stars in Europe at the peak of their careers as the next step of the country’s development of their footballing status.

That’s apparently seen them turn their attention to Van Dijk, who, while perhaps not being at the levels he once hit, is still considered one of the leading players in the Premier League and Europe with Liverpool.

Saudi side Al-Nassr are reportedly ready to make him the best paid defender in the world, but Driessen has urged him to think twice about that potential move and look at what happened to his former teammate Jordan Henderson.

“If he wants to have a few more zeros in the bank account, yes, but if he wants to continue playing football seriously, no,” FC Update report Kapteijns staying.

“The worst example in many ways is of course Jordan Henderson,” added Driessen.

“That is of course the man who always made an effort for LGBTQ people, but once he saw those dollar signs appear in his eyes, he did not know how quickly he should go to Saudi Arabia.”