Manchester City have pulled out of the race for Ajax youngster Gabriel Misehouy, with his agents games seemingly sending clubs packing.

Journalist Henk Spaan covers the youngster today and how Manchester City have now abandoned their efforts for the player.

Reports over the last few months had indicated that Manchester City were keen on the youngster and Ajax were fighting to keep him from leaving on a free transfer in the summer.

All signs were pointing towards him ending up at the Etihad at some point, with it even claimed that a big bag of money was waiting for him when he did.

In the meantime, there was a major falling out with Ajax, who first dropped the youngster from first team training before then completely giving up on a renewal and essentially letting him go.

That paved the way for Manchester City to step in and add him to their ever-expanding network of youngsters scooped up from around the world, but according to Spaan, they’re now not even in the mix anymore.

“Because of corona, Misehouy appeared late on my radar,” he wrote in his column for Het Parool covering the youngster.

“He was then snubbed by Ajax for refusing to sign a proposed contract. ‘He blows too high off the tower,’ the club thought.

“Managing agent, then, Guido Albers thought the contract was good, ‘at the level of Nouri, Van de Beek and Cerny’. That level started at 250,000 euros and went up to 500,000.

“Then came contact with one of Europe’s best td’s, Olivier Létang of Lille, formerly of Rennes and PSG, but no white smoke yet. Manchester City came but dropped out.

“I watched 15 minutes of YouTube and saw how good the boy can play football. So why doesn’t it work out? Maybe a talent’s environment should not just be lusting for millions but take a footballer’s development seriously.”