Crystal Palace’s rejection of Bayern Munich’s approach for Oliver Glasner has been noted in Sevilla, where they considered hiring the Austrian manager. not so long ago.

La Colina de Nervión cover the slight regret taking shape at Sevilla at this moment in time as they see the Crystal Palace boss valued at €100m by those in charge at Selhurst Park.

They explain that Sevilla director of football Victor Orta considered Glasner as the replacement for Jose Luis Mendilibar after he was sacked in October last year.

They eventually opted for Diego Alonso but that didn’t work out and they eventually had to bring back Quique Sanchez Flores, who has kept them up but isn’t the long-term choice and will be replaced this summer.

They’re now scouring the market and looking at options and Glasner would have been one of them, if Crystal Palace hadn’t moved to wrap him up earlier this year.

He’s been shining at the club ever since, blowing away the cobwebs and turning the Eagles into a formidable attacking team playing exciting football.

Indeed, he’s impressed so much that Bayern Munich made an €18m bid this week as they hunt for their next manager but were dismissed by Crystal Palace, who value their manager at €100m.

News that was keenly felt at Sevilla, who not only would welcome such a sum but are also regretting their decision to go in a different direction from Glasner last year now he’s the shining new face in the Premier League and wanted by Europe’s elite.