Despite the recent links between West Ham United and Youssef En-Nesyri, Spanish outlet Mucho Deporte today turns up to throw a bucket of cold water on those claims.

The website learned that the Sevilla player is actually not a priority for the Hammers in this transfer window.

West Ham are reportedly looking for another ‘profile’ when it comes to centre-forwards, and they’ll only target En-Nesyri if they run out of options.

That’s unlikely to happen, with Mucho Deportivo claiming the Hammers’ route is currently ‘very far away’ from a move for him.

Sevilla are very interested in selling En-Nesyri this summer, as they’re looking to rebuild the squad and the striker is one of the valuable assets they have.

Mucho Deporte then claims that with the West Ham option collapsing, there should be other options for him. Amid the links with Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur, the Middle East market now ‘opens up’ as an alternative.

En-Nesyri is valued by Transfermarkt at €20m, but since his contract with Sevilla expires next year, he may even leave for less.