Spanish outlet Estadio Deportivo today features an optimistic report about Real Betis’ effort to sign Giovani Lo Celso from Tottenham Hotspur.

The website today highlights the ‘fluid contacts’ between the clubs, as there’s now just one year left on his contract with Spurs.

Journalist Pepe Elias claims that a month ago, Betis sent emissaries to London to speak to Tottenham about Lo Celso’s price.

Spurs had been demanding €25m to let the midfielder go last summer, and now they’re expected to bring that request down.

El Pelotazo, also relayed by Estadio Dpoertivo, claims that Betis also spoke to the player’s entourage in Madrid in view of a return to the club.

The Spanish club are taking all the necessary steps to make the transfer possible. It’s said that even though Tottenham won’t just give Lo Celso away as a gift, they’re willing to accept a fair price for his sale.

The player is also said to be keen on a return to Betis, and is expected to make a little effort to help with the negotiations.