In all honesty, Adrien Rabiot transfer stories are boring.

It’s usually some faint claims of interest from Manchester United, or the player wanting interest from Manchester United, and then he eventually renews with Juventus.

This time may be different, reports Corriere dello Sport. Partly because he only has 48 hours left on his contract with the Turin club and it would take some effort to extend that before he becomes a free agent.

But also because it’s not the Red Devils who are ‘in the lead’ right now. Corriere dello Sport reports the clubs pushing ahead are Tottenham, Arsenal and Chelsea.

They explain the midfielder is in a very strong position, saying: ‘Adrien must have done the math and reached the conclusion that a midfielder of his calibre in Europe can cost €50-60m.’

Tottenham, and others, will be able to get him for free in a few days, and Rabiot is using that prospect to tell Juventus that if they want him to stay then a pay rise will be needed.

Corriere dello Sport explain the club very much want him to stick around, and the fans have a lot of respect for the Frenchman, but there’s a fear this time he could be off.

Would that be to Tottenham? Corriere certainly think it’s a possibility, and theoretically Spurs could use what they get for Pierre-Emile Højbjerg to cover the salary costs.