Hull City midfielder Ozan Tufan has explained his comfort at the club has led to him playing some of the best football of his career.

The midfielder has been speaking about his time in Hull in Turkey, with his comments relayed by Sports Digitale.

The 29-year-old is currently enjoying his second spell in England after a short period at Watford from August 2021 to 2022.

He joined Hull in a €3m deal from Fenerbahce in 2022 and has been a regular for the Tigers since, making 84 appearances to date and scoring 18 goals and two assists.

Tufan is only three goals short of the tally he managed in 182 games for Fenerbahce, a clear indication of how much he’s enjoyed life with Hull in the Championship.

His current deal with them ends in June 2025 but Hull have an option to extend that by another year should they wish to do so.

And Tufan has hinted he would be more than happy with that if it happened as he’s the most comfortable he’s ever been at a club.

“Playing football in a country where there is a lot of pressure is not very easy,” he said.

“In the first year I went to Hull, I was so comfortable that I was playing football very comfortably. My wife said, ‘We are just seeing your talent at this age.’ Now I am away from Turkey.

“I follow the league, but there are many players who are not comfortable, they cannot play because of stress and pressure.

“I have a 2-year-old son. When he grows up and starts playing football, I’ll try to take him abroad directly without letting him step into Turkish football. Because I think he will show his talents better in a place where there is less pressure.”