Dominik Szoboszlai has been given a special bodyguard by Hungary for Euro 2024, to ward off ‘pushy Liverpool fans’.

That’s according to Hungarian newspaper Blikk, who cover how the midfielder is being treated like ‘a real-world star’ in Germany and being given his own personal protection.

The newspaper explains that a bodyguard is watching Szoboszlai’s every step at the tournament this summer, something which hasn’t been the case for a Hungarian footballer for decades.

The extra protection is because Szoboszlai plays for Liverpool, with that move having seen him quickly gain fame at home and abroad.

That’s naturally come with the consequence of additional attention and Hungary have moved to protect him from this with his own personal bodyguard, who has recently been spotted and pictured following the midfielder’s every move.

It’s not Hungary fans the country are wary of, though, but Liverpool supporters, with it explained they had become ‘problematic’ after last year’s European qualifier against Bulgaria.

Several fans are said to have approached the Liverpool star’‘in an inappropriate manner’ and that’s led to the extra security and the personal bodyguard being put in place this summer.