Globo Esporte report Marlos Moreno will arrive in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday to complete a move from Manchester City to Flamengo on loan.
Whilst negotiations haven’t yet resulted in signed contracts, talks are said to be ‘well under way’, and Moreno wouldn’t be travelling if a deal wasn’t all but agreed.
Globo say the Manchester City owned player needs to go through his medical before any announcement can be made by the Brazilian club, but there’s not thought to be any nasty surprises around the corner.
One small point of contention has been the period of the loan, with Flamengo wanting to secure the player on an 18 month deal.
Whilst that sounds like a reasonable move considering Moreno’s stint in Europe hasn’t gone well, Manchester City will probably want clauses enabling them to call the player back if they so wish.
Moreno’s short period with FC Girona has been one to forget for everyone involved and Manchester City will surely be hoping there’s better waiting for the player at Flamengo.
Even if his chances of a Manchester City future have taken a blow this season, the club will be keen for him to progress if only to secure a better fee in the future.