Even though Lucas Paquetá’s situation regarding FA charges relating to gambling doesn’t seem very good, the West Ham United player is still backed by his national team.

As Brazil last night played the United States in a friendly, CBF president Ednaldo Rodrigues had a word with the media.

In quotes by ESPN Brasil, the official made it clear that as long as Paquetá isn’t convicted, the West Ham midfielder will continue playing for Brazil, regardless of how serious the charges are.

“It was a very careful decision. The CBF first listened to its legal and compliance departments, as well as the confederation’s integrity unit. We also consulted the English FA, with some very objective questions about the athlete’s situation. In a case like this, the federation has to notify FIFA if it wants to remove the player. When it doesn’t have the consistency of that punishment, it doesn’t do it,” said Rodrigues.

“So, faced with the questions that the CBF asked, the English FA responded that it had no provision for punishment. As a result, the CBF understood that he could remain in the Brazilian team without any problem. I don’t think there will be any problems throughout the Copa América, because it’s a long process. From what we’ve learnt from the English FA and everyone else, it’s like a complaint that won’t be punished. At least that’s what we know at the moment.”

Paquetá took part in both friendlies in preparation for the Copa América, against Mexico and the United States, and there’s a chance he could be a starter in the tournament.

The midfielder had been left out of the national team when the accusations first came up, and even though the situation seems more serious with the recent charges, that didn’t stop the CBF from calling him up.

Brazil will be playing Costa Rica, Paraguay and Colombia in the group stage. Since Paquetá’s lawyers asked for more time to respond to the FA, it’s unlikely something would happen to the West Ham player during the Copa América.

The CBF seem ready to kid themselves about the seriousness of the situation, and live a parallel reality that suits their objectives over the next month.