When joining the Brazilian national team this month, Manchester City fullback Yan Couto showed up without his pink hair.
Even though the player, who’d been loaned to Girona, spent the whole season with that crop, he arrived with a very traditional haircut for the Copa América preparations.
Now as UOL shares an interview with Yan Couto, he reveals that the CBF actually asked him to ditch the pink hair.
The Manchester City player apparently didn’t have any problems with that, and respected the national team’s request.
“It was basically a request. They said that pink is a bit ‘wobbly’ like that. I don’t think so, but I’ll respect it. They asked me, I’ll do it.”
Couto also recalled that he had fun at Girona with his hairstyle.
“I’d been playing with pink hair all season. It was actually my choice, it was working out, it was nice, it was cool. But it was more for Girona, a lot of people there dyed their hair, it was a bit of a trend. Here in the national team, the cycle is over. I’m Yan with black hair, nothing changes, I’m still the same. I’m going to try to play the Copa América to help the national team.”
As soon as the interview came out, CBF got in touch with UOL to say they never forbid players from having dyed hair. They claimed the players must have ‘responsibilities’ about timetables, food and posture during time off, but claimed that they’ve never held any discussions about their style.
Well, Couto surely didn’t make that up, and perhaps that may have arrived from the coaching staff. Either way, the Manchester City player seems focused ton having a good Copa América.