South American players continue to speak to people from their home countries about the situation with Coronavirus in Europe.

It was now time for Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson to have a say about it. Instead of speaking to outlets from the Brazilian press, he actually published a video using the page of his media team.

The 27-year-old recently picked up an injury, and missed the Reds’ games against Bournemouth and Atletico Madrid. He was even left out of the Brazilian squad which would have been playing next week.

That’s why he continues to visit Liverpool’s training centre, even though the club have sent all of the squad home.

“The club’s orientation is that everyone stays at home. In my case it’s a little bit particular, because I come from an injury. Thank goodness, it wasn’t a very serious injury. But every injury needs care and I have continued the treatments at the training centre. I don’t have any contact with my teammates, as everyone is in their homes. The only contacts I have are with the physio and the goalkeeper trainer doing some specific rehabilitation work.”

“And within these situations, we also take all the necessary precautions for all recommendations, such as hand hygiene, not touching the face, not touching the mouth, nose, eyes. We also try to talk at a little at a distance. Besides them, I have no contact with anyone else. My routine is very defined. I leave the house, go to the training centre, finish the treatment, come home and stay at home in this moment of self isolation.”


Besides that, the goalkeeper also sent a message to Brazil telling people to do their best to prevent contamination, since the country is seeing cases grow every day.