Until a few months ago, Andreas Pereira only had one appearance for Brazil. That was made back in 2018, when he played a friendly against El Salvador. Since he failed to impress, he was not given another chance in the following years.

The midfielder, however, has been in good form at Fulham recently, and that resulted in his return to the squad. With manager Dorival Junior taking charge, the 28-year-old was called up again in March this year, and is now going to the Copa América.

Pereira was a starter in a friendly against Mexico at the weekend and scored a beautiful goal. Now quoted by Globo Esporte, he talks about what that means to him.

“Of course it’s very difficult to be away from the national team for so long, but I always believed and the people around me told me that I had to work hard to one day return. I’ve always kept that dream alive and, thank God, after a long time working very hard I’m now reaping the rewards,” said Andreas Pereira.

“It was an incredible feeling, inexplicable, I’m very happy, it still hasn’t sunk in that I scored my first goal. A lot of things went through my head at the time, everything I’ve been through to be here. It’s been a dream since I was a kid to score for the national team and today I’m living this moment. I’m very happy.”

Globo Esporte highlights the fact that the Fulham is the first foreigner to ever score for Brazil. He was born in Belgium, but is the son of Brazilian parents and was raised speaking Portuguese and travelling to South America.

Recent reports from Brazil said Pereira is now wanted by Tottenham Hotspur, Newcastle United and Aston Villa.

After such a good goal, and with the Copa América ahead of him, then the chances of a Fulham exit definitely become higher.