Boca Juniors are waiting for Manchester United to make an official offer for defender Aaron Anselmino, while studying Chelsea’s first bid for the youngster.

That’s according to El Grafico, who say the Argentine side are hoping to convince Chelsea and Manchester United to accept various demands before sanctioning a transfer.

A report over the weekend indicated Chelsea had made their move for Anselmino, submitting an official bid for the central defender to try and beat the competition to his signature.

They had leaped ahead of Manchester United in the race for the youngster, with the Red Devils having scouted him for some time but never advanced with a proposal.

El Grafico say that might be about to change, with several reports indicating Manchester United may be about to bid after receiving various reports on the player from their scouts in South America.

Those in charge at Boca Juniors are waiting for that phone call to come and in the meantime, are studying the current offer from Chelsea.

Previous reports indicated that was not enough and would be rejected but El Grafico don’t go that far and simply say the offer is being analysed.

They add, though, that Boca want to convince any buyers to pay in one single instalment and let them keep Anselmino for another year as well.

Whether Chelsea or Manchester United are willing to do that remains to be seen but they could be the real points of contention if the latter join their Premier League rivals in making a formal bid.