With sections of the English media reporting Juventus have placed a £40m offer to sign Mason Greenwood from Manchester United, that seemed like a great opportunity for the Red Devils, who have no plans to use the player, to finally sell him.

However, as Italian outlet comes up with their own version of this story, they pour a bucket of cold water over it.

The website writes that according to their information, the Turin club ‘has not presented any offer’ to Manchester United for Greenwood.

It’s claimed that the Red Devils indeed value the player at around same €45m, and even though that’s not presented as unreasonable given his age and good season for Getafe, it’s made clear the Bianconeri haven’t made an offer yet.

Greenwood remains a name on Juventus’ list, though, as they’re said to be chasing a winger this summer. It just remains to be seen if they’ll have the power to match Manchester United’s request, and if they’ll choose him over the other options they have on the table.