Aston Villa have made a bid to sign Rennes youngster Mathis Lambourde this summer, stepping up their interest in the 18-year-old.

That’s according to journalist Abdel Hamed, who reports that Aston Villa have offered €5m to the Breton club for the youngster.

A report at the end of last month indicated that Aston Villa were keen on Lambourde, who is considered one of the biggest talents at Rennes.

That report stated Aston Villa were showing a ‘strong desire’ to sign the player, who has been earning rave reviews at Stade Rennais.

The French side are considered something of a talent factory, with a long line of players having developed at the club before breaking through and often securing moves to some of the biggest sides in Europe.

Lambourde could be the latest to join that and Aston Villa were said to have been ‘seduced’ by the idea of signing him this summer.

Hamed now says they’ve stepped that up and made a €5m bid to the Breton club to try and secure his signature. How Stade Rennais will respond to that remains to be seen.

It does appear that Aston Villa are keen, though, so expect more on this in the coming weeks now that an official offer appears to have been made.