With the final details sorted out yesterday, Ainsley Maitland-Niles is expected to travel on Thursday to complete his loan deal to AS Roma.
The Arsenal player has been out of favour under Mikel Arteta at the Emirates, featuring just 11 times in all competitions this season, most of which have come from the bench.
He’s only started twice in the league for the Gunners, which is why, when José Mourinho came knocking, he decided to give it a go.
Maitland-Niles, in Rome, will be expected to play down the right-hand side of the defence and compete with Rick Karsdorp; a challenge he’s seemingly up for.
Corriere dello Sport explain the player ‘will fly to Italy today’, having already undergone his medicals on Wednesday in London.
It’s pointed out that the wages paid by Roma will be ‘slightly higher than half of what he took at Arsenal’, meaning around €1.5m.
The idea would be for him to be ready to face Juventus on Sunday, arriving on a six month loan with ‘the eventual redemption to be discussed during the season’ between Tiago Pinto and the Gunners.